Health begins with healthcare (public health, healthcare, health condition, health protection)

By means of connecting measurement technologies available now for everyone and which can be made a part of our everyday life, innovation optimizing process control and community communication simulated on the basis of professional procedures Medistance creates a new dimension of Healthcare and of the system of tools for changing lifestyle.
Healthcare, health prevention and regeneration are our common responsibility! Our inherent health, simply considered later on as natural, is taken in own hands by modern people of the societies with more developed heath culture, exercising self-care and self-control in order to preserve it. So more and more information will be available about our health condition and we can change our way of life in order to prevent or fight the diseases.

We make the system of healthcare democratic and available

In this modern, digital world Medistance provides the possibility for jointly caring for each other in a new category. We can involve our family members, specialists, or friends in this process. We can get connected and build a health community


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